電子期刊 /資料庫
 以類型分類 電子期刊
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ISSN (print) ISSN (online)
1 Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum(2003-) brill.com/ahc 0003-5157 2589-0433
2 Aramaic Studies brill.com/arst 1477-8351 1745-5227
3 Archive for the Psychology of Religion/Archiv für Religionspsychologie  brill.com/arp 0084-6724 1573-6121
4 Archiv für katholisches Kirchenrecht brill.com/ak 0003-9160 2589-045X
5 Aries brill.com/arie 1567-9896 1570-0593
6 Biblical Interpretation brill.com/bi 0927-2569 1568-5152
7 Biblische Zeitschrift brill.com/bz 0006-2014 2589-0468
8 Brill Research Perspectives in Biblical Interpretation   ( 2016- ) brill.com/rpbi 2405-7649 2405-7657
9 Brill Research Perspectives in Quaker Studies  (2018- ) brill.com/rpqs 2542-4971 2542-498X
10 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Arts  (2017- ) brill.com/rpra 2468-886X 2468-8878
11 Brill Research Perspectives in Theology  (2017- ) brill.com/rpth 2468-3485 2468-3493
12 Brill Research Perspectives in Jesuit Studies  (2000- ) brill.com/rpjs 2589-7446 2589-7454
13 Brill Research Perspectives in Law and Religion  (2017- ) brill.com/rplr 2468-2985 2468-2993
14 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education  (2019- ) brill.com/rpre 2589-529X 2589-5303
15 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Politics  (2019- ) brill.com/rprp 2589-5842 2589-5850
16 Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Psychology (2019- ) brill.com/rpsy 2589-711X 2589-7128
17 Brill Research Perspectives in Theological Traditions (2019- ) brill.com/rptt 2589-8795 2589-8809
18 Church History and Religious Culture  brill.com/chrc 1871-241X 1871-2428
19 Dead Sea Discoveries brill.com/dsd 0929-0761 1568-5179
20 Die Welt des Islams (2000-) brill.com/wdi 0043-2539 1570-0607
21 Ecclesial Practices (NEW 2014 ) brill.com/ep 2214-4463 2214-4417
22 Ecclesiology  brill.com/ecso 1744-1366 1745-5316
23 European Journal of Jewish Studies  brill.com/ejjs 1025-9996 1872-471X
24 Exchange brill.com/exch 0166-2740 1572-543X
25 Gnosis: Journal of Gnostic Studies brill.com/gnos 2451-8581 2451-859X
26 Horizons in Biblical Theology brill.com/hbth 0195-9085 1871-2207
27 International Journal of Asian Christianity brill.com/ijac 2542-4238 2542-4246
28 International Journal of Public Theology  brill.com/ijpt 1872-5171 1569-7320 
29 International Journal of Divination and Prognostication (2019-) brill.com/ijdp 2589-9198 2589-9201
30 International  Journal of Education and Religion  (2000-2003) brill.com/ijer 1389-9791 1570-0623
31 Journal for the Study of Judaism brill.com/jsj 0047-2212 1570-0631
32 Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus  brill.com/jshj 1476-8690 1745-5197
33 Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions brill.com/jane 1569-2116 1569-2124
34 Journal of Empirical Theology brill.com/jet 0922-2936 1570-9256
35 Journal of  Islamic Ethics ( 2017- ) brill.com/jie 2468-5534 2468-5542
36 Journal of Jesuit Studies (NEW 2014 ) brill.com/jjs 2214-1324 2214-1332
37 Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy brill.com/jjtp 1053-699X 1477-285X
38 Journal of Law, Religion and State § (NEW 2012 - added) brill.com/jlrs 2212-6465 2212-4810
39 Journal of Pentecostal Theology  brill.com/pent 0966-7369 1745-5251
40 Journal of Reformed Theology  brill.com/jrt 1872-5163 1569-7312
41 Journal of Religion in Africa brill.com/jra 0022-4200 1570-0666
42 Journal of Religion in Europe  brill.com/jre 1874-8910 1874-8929
43 Journal of Religion in Japan (NEW 2012) brill.com/jrj 2211-8330 2211-8349
44 Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture brill.com/rmdc 2588-8099 2165-9214
45 Journal of Sufi Studies (NEW 2012) brill.com/jss 2210-5948 2210-5956
46 Journal of Youth and Theology brill.com/jyt 1741-0819 2405-5093
47 Le Fait Missionnaire (2000-2006 ) brill.com/lfm 1420-2018 2211-8527
48 Method & Theory in the Study of Religion brill.com/mtsr 0943-3058 1570-0682
49 Mission Studies brill.com/mist 0168-9789 1573-3831
50 Nederlands Archief voor Kerkgeschiedenis / Dutch Review of Church History (2000-2005) brill.com/nakg 0028-2030 1871-2401
51 Novum Testamentum brill.com/nt 0048-1009 1568-5365
52 Numen brill.com/nu 0029-5973 1568-5276
53 Philosophia Reformata brill.com/phir 0031-8035 2352-8230
54 Pneuma brill.com/pneu 0272-0965 1570-0747
55 Religion and Human Rights brill.com/rhrs 1871-031X 1871-0328
56 Religion and Gender brill.com/rag 2589-8051 1878-5417
57 Religion and the Arts  brill.com/rart 1079-9265 1568-5292
58 Religion and Theology brill.com/rt 1023-0807 1574-3012
59 Review of Rabbinic Judaism brill.com/rrj 1568-4857 1570-0704
60 Review of Religion and Chinese Society (NEW 2014) brill.com/rrcs 2214-3947 2214-3955
61 Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography brill.com/scri 1817-7530 1817-7565
62 Social Sciences and Missions (formerly: Le Fait Missionnaire) brill.com/ssm 1874-8937 1874-8945
63 Textus brill.com/text 0082-3767 2589-255X
64 The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy  brill.com/jjtp 1053-699X 1477-285X 
65 Vetus Testamentum brill.com/vt 0042-4935 1568-5330
66 Vigiliae Christianae brill.com/vc 0042-6032 1570-0720
67 Welt des Islams, Die brill.com/wdi 0043-2539 1570-0607
68 Worldviews brill.com/wo 1363-5247 1568-5357
69 Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte brill.com/zrgg 0044-3441 1570-0739
70 International Jou rnal of Divination and Prognostication brill.com/ijdp 2589-9198 2589-9201
71 Fichte-Studien brill.com/fis 0925-0166 1879-5811
72 Journal of Ancient Judaism brill.com/jaj 1869-3296 2196-7954
73 Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society brill.com/jrat 2365-3140 2364-2807

電子期刊 / Cambridge University Press

No URL ISSN (print) ISSN (online)
1 Harvard Theological Review 0017-8160 1475-4517
2 Scottish Journal of Theology  0036-9306 1475-3065
3 Church History 0009-6407 1755-2613
4 Christian History  (1982- ) Open Access
5 Global Missiology  (1999-) Open Access
6 Mission Round Table Open Access
7 Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology  (2013- ) Open Access
8 Southwestern Journal of Theology (2010- ) Open Access
9 The Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood  (1995-) Open Access
10 Themelios (1975- ) Open Access
11 Word &World (1981- ) Open Access