名稱 簡介
The Babylonian Talmud:
A Translation And Commentary
The Talmud of Babylonia (a.k.a., the Bavli, or Babylonian Talmud), is a sustained commentary on the written and oral law of Israel. Compiled between 500–600 C.E., it offers a magnificent record of how Jewish scholars preserved a humane and enduring civilization. Representing the primary document of rabbinic Judaism, it throws considerable light on the New Testament as well.
Bible Works 8.0 聖經原文軟體
BibleWorks is the premier original languages Bible software program. It comes with Greek, Hebrew, and Septuagint Bibles for your computer, as well as translations in English, German, Spanish, and many other languages!
The Book of Concord (Luther Lutheranism) Now on CD-ROM, and with biblical-text links this fresh translation of The Book of Concord brings a new generation of scholarship and sensitivities to bear on the foundational texts of Lutheran identity. New scholarship, changes in the English language, new knowledge of the history and theology of these documents, and a more technology-driven populace dictated this new translation on CD-ROM. Translators: Charles Arand, Eric W. Gritsch, Scott H. Hendrix, Robert Kolb, William Russell, the late James Schaaf, Jane Strohl, and Timothy J. Wengert.
Church History Collection 最新版本的 Church History Collection Version 2 光碟收集了合共 100 餘冊的寶貴著作,其中包括早期教父巨著共 38 冊、加爾文的 44 冊聖經註釋及其《基督教要義》,還有 Edersheim、Josephus 及 Philip Schaff 的歷史研究作品,讓您透過教父典籍、神學註釋及歷史著作豐豐富富的探索基督教信仰的根基,幫助您了解新舊兩約之間宗教改革的信仰歷史。
The Comprehensive John Calvin Collection 加爾文著作總覽,包括所有加爾文的聖經註釋、講道篇、信件、協議書、以及短篇論文等等
Cyclopedia of Bible, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature
  • Volume 2 of the Christian Library Series
  • 31,000 plus articles
  • Illustrations, Greek, Hebrew text preserved
  • Cross-referenced and linked articles for fast research
The Essential Bible Study Library
  • Bibles
  • Apologetics
  • Commentaries
  • Cross Peference
  • Cross Peference
  • Devotional
  • Dictionaries
  • Handbooks
  • Maps and Charts
Hebrew Tutor: Learn Biblical Hebrew with Your Own Personal, Interactive 學習希伯來文的好工具
Left Behind A Novel of the Earth's Last Days is a best-selling novel by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins which starts the Left Behind series . It was narrative form to a specific eschatological reading of the Christian Bible, particularly the Book of Revelation . See dispensationalism and premillennialism .
Luther's Work 這片光碟將 1957 年在美國出版的 55 冊馬丁路德著述叢書呈現在讀者眼前,主編的學者為 Jaroslav Pelikan 及 Helmut T. Lehmann,對於喜歡研讀或研究馬丁路德著作的人實在是一套不可或缺的光碟。
The 55-volume set of Luther's Works, a monumental translation project published jointly by Fortress Press and Concordia Publishing House in 1957, is singular in its value to church historians, Luther scholars, and Christians.
Martin Luther: Exploring His Life and Times This CD-ROM brings you the universe of Martin Luther in his own place and time, from birth to death, between heaven and hell.
Pulpit Commentary: Old Testament 聖經工具
The Pulpit Commentary has over 22,000 pages and 95,000 entries. Great care has been taken to preserve all of the Greek and Hebrew and footnotes in this work. And for the first time anywhere, AGES Library has organized all of the Homiletical Indices in this set into one Homiletical Index for the whole Bible. This means that you will be able to navigate either by verse, or by choosing from the electronically linked list of homilies.
Dead Sea Scrolls 死海古卷
The Dead Sea Scrolls discovery is one of the most important finds to confirm that the Bible was translated accurately. This ready-to-use PowerPoint presentation tells the story of how the scrolls were discovered, and shows maps, a timeline, and photos of the caves and scrolls.